Introductory rates: 1 week of free trial and $25/week for unlimited number of groups or sessions



My Social Pods

What to Expect

PODS = Sessions 

Meaning of "PODS" in Social Pods = Space held for you for your healing and support. 


  • Do You Accept Insurance? 

We are not in-network with any insurance plans, and therefore we do not accept payment directly from insurance providers.

  • Where Are You Located? 

We are Live-Online support groups that are run on all time zones in the United States

  • Affordable pricing

Mental Health support at a fraction of the cost of therapy

  • Small and Private setting. 

Keeping it cozy and intimate with up to 10 members per pod with a facilitator

  • We do not diagnose your mental health or prescribe you with any medication

Organizations and Professionals

Please reach out to us via our contact page and fill out the form. We will be in touch with you within the next 24 hours.


How to attend Social Pods

  1. Our Support groups and Pods are led by a facilitator or a professional in the mental health industry. 
  2. You don’t have to know exactly what happened to you to seek help for mental health. Many people aren't sure. You are entitled to attend as many meetings as you want and find out more. You just have to Sign up to check out all the Groups. 
  3. Check out the web site. If you are unsure about which Group and Pod to join just call us and we will help you make that decision in few minutes. 
  4. When you are in a pod, introduce yourself as a newcomer only if you would like, if you would like to observe and just listen, that is okay too. The person leading the meeting, who is your facilitator, is in the mental health field in one way or another, will usually read some material explaining how the pod works. 
  5. You don’t have to speak. In most pods everyone gets a chance to share about how they’re dealing with the issue, if they choose to.
  6. Pods are usually scheduled to 1 hour . The fee to attend as many meetings as you want in a week is $25.
  7. Your first few meetings may feel uncomfortable. This is to be expected. Social Pods suggests you attend a group six times before you decide whether it’s helping you.

What is Social Pods 

  • Social Pods is for Anyone and Everyone.
  • Our approach to mental health is different- it is more inclusive than exclusive. 
  • More frequent and flexible participation.
  • Opportunities for people who may not have local face-to-face support groups.
  • Social Pods combines aspects of both—the power of peer support and community with expert facilitation by a licensed mental health professional—to create an experience that you’re unlikely to find elsewhere.
  • A degree of privacy or anonymity.
  •  For people currently engaged in individual therapy, Social Pods can be complementary, a place to learn and practice new lifeskills and learnings.

Overview of a Typical Pod

  • Opener- We start sessions with a short movement or breathing exercise and introductions.
  • Pause and Share -Members check-in with each others’ feelings and experiences since the last session.
  • Activity & Reflection. Your facilitator will guide the group through an activity that is designed for the pod specifically with the goal of learning more about yourself and the area of support.
  • Takeaways. Groups identify key wisdoms, lessons, or pivotal moments from the session to share with each other and the Social Pods community that would become lifestlye changes for you.